The third trimester is pregnancy that starts at the 28th week until the 40th week. In the third trimester, complaints caused by stomach enlargement, physiological change, and hormonal changes will cause complaints to pregnant women. These complaints include back pain, leg cramps, abdominal discomfort, frequent urination, and 2sleep disturbances that are often experienced by pregnant women, even though their pregnancy is normal, sleep disorders are also often associated with depression in pregnant women. Pregnancy massage can be a solution for pregnant women who experience decreased sleep quality.Purpose: This study is a literature review that aims to examine various studies related to the application of pregnancy massage to changes in sleep quality for pregnant women in the third trimester.Method: The method of this article is a form of metadata analysis research using literature studies with the source used in the electronic database is Google Scholar using the keywords "Pregnancy Massage" and "sleep quality for third-trimester pregnant women". The articles used between 2017-2020, there are 10 national journals with 1 main or reference journal and 9 journals supporting this literature study. The discussion of literature review studies from ten jural studies can be combined and researched that pregnancy massage can provide a relaxing effect and improve blood circulation, the relaxing effect it causes makes maternal anxiety levels decrease and makes mothers relax, especially before delivery. Decreased anxiety makes the mother feel comfortable so that the quality of sleep is good and quality.
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