Jurnal Ayurveda Medistra
<p>Ayurveda Medistra Journal is a publication media that contains scientific papers from the fields of Nursing, Midwifery, Industrial Pharmacy, Public Health and other Health Science fields.</p>STIKes Medistra Indonesiaen-USJurnal Ayurveda Medistra2656-5609THE EFFECT OF EXPLOSION BOX ON KNOWLEDGE AND COMPLIANCE OF ADOLESCENT WOMEN IN CONSUMING BLOOD INCREASING TABLETS
<p><em>Female adolescents are at increased risk for anemia since their iron needs peak between the ages of 14 and 15. Youth iron deficiency can lead to serious health problems, including anemia. One student in a group of nine reported having a hemoglobin (Hb) level of 12, and the other four reported experiencing fatigue, weakness, difficulty focusing in class, and other symptoms of anemia. The purpose of this study is to learn how exposure to the media shown in Exploding Box affects young women's self-control and decision-making when consuming dietary supplements. Method: This study has a pre-experimental design with a single-group pre- and post-test. In this study, we used a completely random sample of participants. Students from grades 10, 12, and 15 at MTs Al- Muhajirin Loa Janan make up the study's sample population. Female students fill kuesioners, and male researchers use lembar observatories to compile the data. SPSS is used for both univariate and bivariate data analysis. Research shows that both before and after receiving the intervention, the media explosion box had a significant impact on knowledge (p0,000) and respondent accuracy (p0,003). What this means is that young women at MTs Al- Muhajirin Loa Janan are more knowledgeable about and more likely to follow guidelines for taking tablet supplements of blood. Conclusions Based on research and analysis, it can be concluded that the media's influence on young women's knowledge of and behavior surrounding tablet consumption of added blood sugar is real. The hope is that this media explosion box will serve as a resource for raising awareness and encouraging action among young women to prevent anemia.</em></p>Firdawati FirdawatiSri HazanahEmelia Tonapa
2025-01-112025-01-116210.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v6i2.122Behavioral Control in Belian Traditional Healing Beliefs in Eheng Village West Kutai
<p>Traditional Belian medicine is very popular in West Kutai, especially in Eheng Village, this is a hereditary culture that has been carried out by their ancestors. Because this treatment is considered to be able to provide healing and also help people with their health problems. This is based on people's belief in Belian medicine and no changes in health when undergoing medical treatment, so people feel that the illness that arises is not a medical illness but rather an illness that comes from spirits that live side by side with them. This study uses <em>observation methods </em>and in-depth interviews. The sampling technique in this study used a <em>purposive sampling technique with 2 main informants and 5 supporting informants, the results of this study used interactive </em>analysis techniques with the help of the Maxqda application. Thus, behavioral control of Belian medicine beliefs is influenced by relatives, family and also customs who behave in agreement or acceptance of Belian medicine, it is explained that this treatment has started since their ancestors and they have also believed in it from the past until now. So that families tend to prefer this Belian treatment when they feel that medical treatment is not yet able to cure.</p>Aji SantosaJoko Sapto PramonoEka Putri Rahayu
<p>In elementary school children, the selection of unqualified snacks is a problem that is a major concern in society. The animated video is made with a fun, simple storyline so that it can attract children's attention and the message conveyed can be maximized. Video animation is expected to change the mindset of children in preventing dengue hemorrhagic fever. This study aims to analyze the effect of animated video media on the prevention of dengue hemorrhagic fever on increasing knowledge, and attitudes of students of SDN 002 Sungai Pinang. This study used the Quasy experimental design research method with Time Series design. The population in the study was 5th grade students with amount of 45 people and used total sampling technique in sampling. There was an increase in the average knowledge score from 57.85 to 94.59. The average attitude score also increased from 60.52 to 93.11. Likewise with the average score of behavior, which increased from 62.22 to 94.17. Statistically, the results of the Wilcoxon test on the knowledge variable was ρ=0.000 < α 0.05 , and attitude ρ =0.000 < α 0.05. There is an influence of animated video media on increasing knowledge, and attitude in students of SDN 002 Sungai Pinang.</p>Zada Alyfa AlphardNino Adib ChifdillahBernadetha Bernadetha
2025-02-092025-02-096210.51690/medistra-jurnal123.v6i2.111The Relationship Between Breast Care and Breast Milk Production in Postpartum Mothers at PMB Khoiruzan Talang Padang Tanggamus in 2022
<p>Background: The low rate of exclusive breastfeeding will impact the quality and survival of future generations. Globally, in 2019, 144 million children under five were estimated to experience stunting. Breast care is the practice of taking care of the breasts to ensure smooth breastfeeding and to prevent common issues that arise during nursing. Research Objective: To determine the relationship between breast care and breast milk production in postpartum mothers at PMB Khoiruzan Talang Padang Tanggamus in 2022. Research Method: This study used a quantitative research design. The population in this study consisted of 30 postpartum and breastfeeding mothers at PMB Khoiruzan Talang Padang Tanggamus in 2022. The sampling technique used was total sampling, so the total number of samples in this study was 30 respondents. Statistical testing used the chi-square test. Research Results: Univariate analysis showed that 26 respondents (86.7%) practiced breast care, and 21 respondents (70.0%) had adequate breast milk production. Bivariate analysis revealed a relationship between breast care and milk production, with a p-value of 0.005. Conclusion: There is a relationship between breast care and breast milk production.</p>Hera DiantinaFarida M SimanjuntakAni AnggrainiVermona MarbunRiris Octryna Silitonga
<p><em>T</em><em>he main problems of adolescent reproductive health in Indonesia are the lack of provision of information regarding reproductive health, the problem of shifting adolescent sexual behavior, the lack of health services and unsupportive legislation.To determine the relationship between information media and dating activities on the level of knowledge of adolescents about premarital sex at Gema Karya Bahana Vocational School, Bekasi City in 2022. Using a cross-sectional research design. The number of samples in this study amounted to 70 respondents. The inclusion criteria of this study were students who were willing to become respondents in class 11 at Gema Karya Bahana Vocational School, Bekasi City, students who had never previously received counseling on premarital sexual and reproductive health and were not married. The results of the statistical test found that there was a relationship between information media and the level of knowledge of adolescents about premarital sex (p=0.002) and there was a relationship between dating activities and the level of knowledge of adolescents about premarital sex (0.024). </em><em>From the research results, it is proven that there is a relationship between information media and the level of knowledge of teenagers about premarital sex and there is a relationship between dating activities and the level of knowledge of teenagers about premarital sexuality. It is hoped that schools can provide more education regarding sexuality issues in relationships inside and outside school.</em></p>Riyen Sari ManullangTitin TitinMaslan PangaribuanDoddy IzwardhyEmi PurwantiPuji Raharja Santosa